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uPVC Windows in Old Chalford, Oxfordshire

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Karl Botham
excellent customer service and products, very happy with my purchase and would always recommend

Samuel McCrea
Exceptional company who are incredibly helpful and would recommend to anyone

Brad Shaw
the doors arrived on time and in perfect condition,the doors took about three hours to fit and they are perfect for the job

just fitted this door and am very satified with it, it looks good and was quiet easy to fit ,lock was a bit fiddly but i would recommend this product.

Harry Loverside
Doors came exactly how i wanted them, could not be happier. excellent products.

Dave Briggs
Dont often do reviews but had to give flying doors a quick mention, great item and easy to install, much better quality than some online stores.

Scott Brereton
Can't fault my experience with flying doors. DIY install, few hickups and a missing top vent but tech department helped quickly resolve any issues.

Mike Bray
Bought first set of french doors for a customer in july, not one single problem and easy to install. Thanks for a good service.

John Healy
Really happy with the door, very good quality and price matched so it was a good deal.

Flying Doors is a professional door manufacturer operating nationally in the UK, including coverage of Old Chalford, Oxfordshire.

On top of our highly personal approach, we offer premium doors at trade prices and remain very competitive on price compared with other door manufacturers and door suppliers in Old Chalford, Oxfordshire. We keep our costs low and retail from low overhead websites, allowing us to pass on the best prices to you.

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Flying Doors is a trading name of Rockfish Technology Limited. Company No. 10240802. VAT No. GB 243 3555 17.